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invantive | online SQL editor

Manage your company with Teamleader and the web-based Online SQL Editor

Invantive's free Online SQL Editor for Teamleader provides you with real-time business knowledge across your entire enterprise. It provides access to your crucial company information stored in Teamleader. No programming, no coding, no Excel downloads; just use the SQL knowledge you already have. This enables you to analyze your business data fast for correct decision making. You are be able to extract and analyze business data such as tickets and customer data.

It doesn't matter where you are; you can login from any location via the web browser and retrieve tickets, contacts and all other information available through APIs using SQL. The Online SQL Editor provides all the functionalities needed to make business decisions using your smart phone, iPad, iMac or PC.

To log on: use the Teamleader group as USER NAME and API Key Token as PASSWORD. Find these on

"The Terms of Service" are displayed on first use for acceptance.

The Invantive SQL drivers for Open Data platforms and on-premise databases have no restrictions. The drivers for other platforms, including Teamleader, are restricted to retrieve at most 100 rows on a detail level per query. The full drivers are available on subscription-based products.

SQL Query of business data in Teamleader

The Teamleader Edition of the Online SQL Editor provides you with benefits such as:

  • Interactive and online access to your company information via any modern web browser.
  • Usable from any location and any platform, such as Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad etc.
  • Connect directly with cloud platforms with the same credentials as you normally use.
  • All Teamleader APIs accessible.


  • Invantive BV
  • Biesteweg 11
  • 3849RDHierden
  • the Netherlands
  • Bank : IBAN NL 42 RABO 01 23 4097 80, BIC RABO NL 2U
  • PayPal:
  • Rabobank Groep N.V., Branch: Rabobank Peel, Maas en Leudal.
  • Sint Antoniusstraat 40, 6093 GC, Heythuysen the Netherlands